We are a thriving section of the club and we all enjoy our wonderful sport of golf.
There is a full diary of golf competitions; medals, stablefords, trophy and county competitions. We enjoy playing in the Bristol and District Ladies Alliance League and the Somerset Inter-club League. We have teams for the Somerset County competitions such as the Rogers Cup and the Centenary Plate as well as taking part in the Daily Mail and Ping competitions to mention just a couple.
We arrange friendly matches against other clubs in the area and this is a good way to play new courses and make new friends. We enjoy playing in the mixed club competitions too, and there are a number of mixed friendly matches against other clubs throughout the year.
We are keen to encourage new people into the sport and there are always willing ladies to help you take those first tentative steps around the course! If you have not a got a handicap – never fear, we will help you to gain one, and introduce you to other members to play with in fun competitions whilst you gain confidence.
The Ladies Locker Room is the hub for the Section with full details on our competitions clearly displayed on the various notice boards. Our usual Ladies Roll-up is Tuesday, particularly in the winter, where ladies arrive before 9.30 and names are drawn to play in groups.
We have a reputation for being a friendly and welcoming club so why not come and see for yourselves.