
Wells Golf Club

Entrant List for Queen Elizabeth II Memorial OPEN 4BBB(Men & Ladies)

18 players have been signed up for this competition as of 12:14 AM Tuesday 1st April

Mark Abrahams (20.0)
Martin Barnes (9.5)
Elizabeth Bryant (Cumberwell Park Golf Club)
Chris Clegg (13.7)
Clive Copp (Mendip Golf Club)
S B Few (West Wilts Golf Club)
Mark Greenman (19.0)
Nick Gumm (14.0)
Simon Harris (18.2)
Clifford Hopkins (16.8)
Phillip Jones (17.4)
Michael Metcalfe (7.7)
Mark Neighbour (10.3)
Ian Nicol (12.8)
Gary Nutt (11.9)
MAXINE PORTNELL (West Wilts Golf Club)
John Rowe (West Wilts Golf Club)
Jason Sykes (10.8)

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